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Privacy declaration
As accommodation provider we know the importance of the privacy of our guests. This also applies to your personal records. For this reason we treat the personal data given us for safekeeping with integrity, transparancy and diligence in accordance with the GDPR. In our privacy declaration you can read wich data we process and the way we deal this.
1. Introduction
De Gulden Stroom processes information on persons on a daily basis en complies to the law in doing so. In this privacy declaration we explain which personal records are processed by De Gulden Stroom and for which purposes. The privacy declaration does not apply to the processing of personal records by third parties, such as companies and/or websites which offer journeys or travel packages. We recommend you to carefully read the privacy declaration.
De Gulden Stroom, located at Boulevard Bankert 634 in Vlissingen is responsible for the processing and storage of your personal data.
If any questions on the content of the privacy declaration may arise you can address the management of De Gulden Stroom at vincent@deguldenstroom.nl
2. Personal data
De Gulden Stroom processes a variety of personal data for different purposes. Below will be explained which personel data and purposes are concerned.
Booking- and residencedetails
By booking an overnight stay you enter into an agreement with De Gulden Stroom. For this the accommodation requires your name, address, residence, phone number, email address, if you’re 21 years or over, date of arrival and departure and your payment information. This information can be provided to us by third parties with whom you went through the booking process. Possibly we may ask for additional information to perform our services, such as your nationality or preferences. In addition we are legally required to check your identity. These data are for internal use only and are not passed on to organisations for commercial purposes.
Camera surveillance
De Gulden Stroom has a legitimate interest to use camera surveillance, as far as necessary, to protect its belongings and protect her guests. By means of the camerafootage De Gulden Stroom obtains insight into the activities of persons.
Website analysis
De Gulden Stroom analyses the visit to the De Gulden Stroom website to improve the functionalities of the website. Through our website “analytics cookies” are placed by the American company Google. The data are stored by Google in the United States. The click behavior on the website is entirely anonymized. For more information check the Google privacypolicy and the Google Analytics privacypolicy.
By making a booking through the website your bookingrecords are stored in the statistics of De Gulden Stroom. When you have indicated you want to receive the newsletter your bookingrecords may be used to personalize the content of the newsletter.
3. Receivers
We do not share your personal records with companies, organisations and individuals outside RDe Gulden Stroom, except when one of the following circumstances applies.
Execution of an agreement
Distribution of your personal records to third parties is permissible when necessary to fulfill contractual obligations. Part of this is the processing of your reservation. If necessary for the payment of bookings we will use a third party to process the i-Deal payments.
With your permission
With your permission we may pass your personal records to other parties. The permission applies when it is evident what you consent to and its consequences.
For external processing
We supply personal records to our partners for the purpose of processing data for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with our privacy policy and other appropriate confidentiality- and securityprecautions. By partners we mean amongst others our IT-suppliers and administrators of our CRM-system.
For legal purposes
We share personal records if we believe disclosure of these data is necessary to meet applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures or requests by government agencies.
Legal obligation
When a legal obligation requires us to do so, we will supply your personal records. For instance the police may ask us to provide data in the case of a fraude investigation. An other example is that the tax inspector by means of art. 47 of the General law on government taxes may demand all records necessary to levy taxes. Eventually the municipality Vlissingen may request the provision of data to check the tourist tax assessment. De Gulden Stroom makes arrangements with the receivers to make sure the personal data are treated confidentially.
4. Retention period
We store your personal records no longer then necessary, unless there is a legal obligation to keep your personal data for a longer period. Our basisprinciple is that personal data are kept as long as is necessary to supply you with our products and/or services.
5. Your rights
Towards us you have a number of legal rights; inspection, improvement or complementation, erasure of data, restriction of processing, transfer of digital data and the right of objection. Below we explain these rights.
Right of inspection
At your request we will communicate in writing whether we process your personal records. In your request you will have to identify yourself by means of a copy of (the minimal needed data of) your identity document. In our response we will explain which of your personal records we have processed and we will also supply you with a copy. Furthermore we will explain for which purposes we have processed your personal data and the period for which we expect these to be stored.
Improvement or complementation
When you have obtained insight into the processing of your personal records you may request us to improve inaccuracies or complement incompleteness. When we proceed to improvement you will receive an additional statement.
Erasure of data
You may request us to are your records in our systems in one or more of the following circumstances:
The personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which we processed them
You withdraw the consent for processing and there is no other basis for processing
You submit a motivated objection and there are no compelling reasons not to honour your objection
The personal records are processed wrongfully
We have to erase your personal data based on legal obligations.
Limitation of processing
When you have reported an incorrectness or incompleteness in your personal data to us, you may request us to limit the processing as long as your request is pending. You may also request us to limit the processing of your data when you believe we process your data wrongfully, or when you have objected to (further) processing. After reception of your request for limitation we will process the data after permission has been obtained or because of compelling reasons.
Transfer digital data
When you have provided personal data to us in a structured, customary digital file format and we have processed your data with your permission or in the execution of an agreement with you, you have the right to ask us a copy of these data. In these circumstanes you may also ask us to send your records directly to an other service provider.
At all times you may object to processing personal records which concern you. This especially applies to profiles we made based on your personal data. We will discontinue processing your data after reception of your objection, unless we can supply compelling justified reasons which way heavier than your interests, rights and freedoms.
Exercise rights
In the case you want to use one or more of the rights mentioned before, you may contact us as at vincent@deguldenstroom.nl De Gulden Stroom provides the requested records to the person involved as soon as possible. By all means the information will be provided within a month after receipt of the request. When more time is needed to process the request, De Gulden Stroom will give notice within a month’s time.
6. Liability
Although the utmost care and attention which is given to the maintenance of this website, it is possible the site contains incorrect information. De Gulden Stroom can not be held liable for technical or editorial erors that appear in this website, nor for possible consequential damage which results from the use or the temporary unavailability of this website or links to the websites of third parties.
7. Complaints
If you feel that De Gulden Stroom does not help you properly, you have the right to file a complaint at the supervisor of the GDPR, the Authority Personal Data. At www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl information is provided how to file a complaint.
8. Other
This privacy declaration is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We reserve the right to periodically update this privacy declaration. The latest version will be published on this page.
March 2021